How to use Internal Linking

Tips and tricks on how to use the bulk Internal Linking tool

Why create internal links?

Internal links help both your buyers and Google.

Buyers spend more time on site and explore more pages, increasing your chances of getting a signup or booked demo. Especially if you are driving traffic from a content page that you can point to a product page.

Google uses not only your sitemap, but also crawls your site to understand it. The web crawler follows links between pages. If you have orphan pages that aren’t linked to, it’s hard for Google to discover and serve that page to searchers.

Letterdrop’s Internal Linking tool scans all of your content to discover opportunities for internal linking.


  1. You can upload your target keywords for each page. This is done when you enter a target keyword in the SEO optimizer or you can also upload in bulk from Settings → Website. Letterdrop uses this to understand what the page is about.
  1. If a keyword isn’t specified, Letterdrop uses page titles and meta titles to guess what it’s about.
  1. Finally, Letterdrop can also use the top 10 ranking keywords from Google Search Console to understand what the page is about.

Letterdrop looks for semantically similar terms across your content and suggests linking to pages based on the above logic.

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Set up

To use the Internal Linking tool, you’ll need to have the following set up:

  1. Make sure you have your blog articles in Letterdrop (you can check by going to Website → Posts). If you're integrated with a CMS, we'll bring them in automatically. If not, you can manually copy and paste them into Letterdrop using the blog editor.
  1. (Optional) To get the most accurate suggestions, assign keywords to your articles. You can do this in one of two ways: :
    1. Manually: go through all your articles to see which ones need to have a keyword assigned (you can tell by whether the article has a keyword/ SEO score)
      1. Notion image
    2. Bulk upload: send your Customer Success Manager a CSV file with the keywords and article names. The format should look like this:
    3. keyword
      what is internal linking
      best internal linking software
      SEO for startups

How to Use

By default, the Internal Linking tool displays all internal linking suggestions found across your pages. For a more focused approach, simply enter the name of an article in the search bar then hit Enter or click on the magnifying glass to begin your search. Choose whether you'd like to link from it to another article (Link From) or have other articles link to it (Link To).

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Pro Tip: For better accuracy, you can filter suggestions based on Target keywords only using the filter in the top-right corner. Otherwise, the engine will guess the keyword of articles by their Title and Meta Title.

To look at the context for any suggested text, you can hover over it to check out where the word appears in your article. When you're ready, click the green arrow on the right to apply the changes. You can also tick the box on the left to select multiple links at once. You can click “Find link opportunities” in the top-right to refresh the suggestions.

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Once you’ve accepted the changes, they’ll appear in a list at the bottom of the page where you can publish them all together once you’re ready.

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