Monitor Keywords and Social Listening

How to prospect into relevant conversations on LinkedIn


What does it do?

This tool performs searches on LinkedIn on your behalf, filters them down to your ICP, qualifies them, and alerts you.

Why use it?

There’s probably free pipeline lying around that you’re not prospecting into. We help you find that.

You should be aware of everyone in your ICP talking about you, your competition, problems you care about, and events you’re going to attend. Where relevant, you should insert yourself into the conversation and start a relationship with a meaningful message to book a meeting.

How do I get setup?

Navigate to Keyword Monitoring


Enter keywords you want to monitor. My recommendations are keywords in these categories:


Your company name

Use quotes for an exact match


  • “gong”
  • “gorgias”
  • “spacelift”

This will find mentions if the user doesn’t @mention the company.


Your competitors

Once again, use quotes for an exact match.



You can get specific and look for people actively comparing platforms.


  • gong vs clari
  • orum vs nooks

Prospect into these accounts by saying “Hey, looks like you’re in the market for solutions to problem X. Competitor Y and Z are great for smaller companies, but since you’re in enterprise, we might be a better fit for you.”


Coined Terms

If you try own a term in your industry, track those.


  • conversational intelligence
  • inbound led outbound


If you partner with customers doing something amazing with your product, you can find mentions of them.


Prospect into these accounts by saying “Hey, looks like you’re impressed with how company X does Y. We helped them do that. Can we help you?”



If there are general phrases you see customers bring up a lot on discovery calls in terms of problems they’re facing and their initiatives, make sure to track them.


  • social selling
  • linkedin automation
  • quota attainment
  • missed targets


If there are events your team is attending and you want to know of other attendees so you can meet them in-person or connect ahead, track them.


  • SaaStr
  • Pavilion GTM
  • HubSpot Inbound
  • Dreamforce

Note that you can use conditional logic to make fancier queries. See here for more info.


Next add filters.


Depending on your keywords, things can get noisy.


We recommend at minimum by location and maybe job title.



Chances are that you’re prospecting in a few countries like the United States, Canada, UK, etc.


Job Title

A strict match is made against job titles (it’s not case-sensitive) so make sure to include all variations. Expand Generate Job Titles, enter your base job title and click on the button to help generate variations for you.

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  • SDR
  • Sales Development
  • Sales Development Representative


  • CTO
  • Chief Technology Officer
  • SVP Engineering
  • SVP Eng
  • VP Engineering
  • VP Eng
  • Head of Engineering

Once you’ve set your keywords and filters, your searches will be performed through a Chrome extension.

The results are filtered down for you.


You’ll be able to see this in the dashboard as well as receive daily notifications in a Slack channel. Click on the individual to go their profile or the row to go to the post. We pull in engagement data, give you a one line summary, and compute a relevance score based on what you said your company does.

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