How to set up your content workflow

How to set up your workflow for blog and social content creation

Setting up your content workflow

Letterdrop’s content workflow is flexible.


The general flow is:

  1. Create Ideas. You can add these in the app from Planning → Ideas → New Idea, from Slack, or via email. You can also bulk create ideas or upload a spreadsheet.
  1. Assign Ideas. Click on Assign or multi-select to bulk assign. You can also bulk create ideas and assign at the same time.
  1. When assigning an Idea to someone, you turn it into a Project. You can choose who’s responsible for owning a project (the writer) as well as the owners of all the different stages. You can also pick the deadlines for each stage. You can set defaults for these in Settings → Blog → Content workflow.
  1. You can now approve content as it goes through stages. By default, we give you stages for Outline, Outline Review, Drafts, Editorial, and Final Review.
  1. The two big stages are Outline and Draft
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