How to outbound to someone successfully you identify on Letterdrop
Write messages that start conversations
There are lots of ways in which Letterdrop can help you find potential leads to talk to. Depending on the interaction and how familiar they are with you and your product, you’ll want to approach outbound to them differently.
What to avoid?
Do not pitch slap prospects. If you have no connection to somebody whatsoever, your first message to them shouldn’t be a pitch or even talking about your offering in any capacity. This is likely to get you ignored, your connection with them removed, or even blocked.
If you don’t also post, the success of all of the below plays will be diminished. Across our customer base, we see a 2-3x increase in reply rate when you’re posting and commenting (related survey). When you don’t post, you are a stranger with no personal brand and have provided no value. There’s little reason for the prospect to want to talk to you. Use Letterdrop’s demand creation features to largely automate this for you.
Ask yourself, “If I were being sold to, would I start a conversation with someone who I’ve seen before and sharing relevant advice or a total stranger whose first interaction is pitching me“
ICP buyer follows someone on your team but is not connected
What’s going on in the prospect’s mind?
If someone follows but doesn’t connect, they are interested in the content that the person they followed is creating. Let’s say Alice followed Bob.
- Look at when Alice followed Bob.
- See if there was a post from Bob in the 24 hours before Alice followed him.
- If so, that was likely the post that Alice saw and got her to follow Bob.
Next steps
- Have Bob send Alice a connection request
- Reach out (ideally from Bob’s account) with the following message (across email or DM):
Hey Alice, thanks for the follow. {topic of last post} top of mind? Thought you might find this interesting: <link to value additive asset>
You can also do the above with a Voice Note or Video Message to make it more authentic and improve your chances of a reply.
Once you have a conversation going, try to find an excuse to meet:
We actually helped {similar company} cut their customer support ticket volume 20%. Worth a conversation to see how?
ICP buyer likes or comments on post from someone on your team
What’s going on in the prospect’s mind?
If someone likes or comments, that tells you that they have an opinion on a certain viewpoint that was shared. Let’s say Alice has liked a couple of Bob’s posts.
Next steps
- Have Bob send Alice a connection request
- Reach out (ideally from Bob’s account) with the following message (across email or DM):
Hey Alice, saw that {topic of post} hit home. Thought you might find this interesting: <link to value additive asset>
You can also do the above with a Voice Note or Video Message to make it more authentic and improve your chances of a reply.
Once you have a conversation going, try to find an excuse to meet:
We actually helped {similar company} cut their customer support ticket volume 20%. Worth a conversation to see how?
ICP buyer follows company page
What’s going on in the prospect’s mind?
If someone follows the company page, that tells you that they are interested in your product. You can be more direct with them.
Next steps
- Send them a connection request
- Reach out with the following message (across email or DM):
Hey Alice, saw that you've been thinking about {product}. Is {problem your product solves} top of mind? Thought you might find this interesting: <link to value additive asset>